I’ve been seeing this pop up lately. There is absolutely an interaction between unit movement and charges. Let me break it down.
Let’s go to Wartable!
This unit of cultists is charging this warbeast that has admonition on it.
This guy moves first. The little guy has a 1 inch reach on the dagger, and speed 6, so it can threat 10 inches. It moves 9, and gets to within 1 inch of the warbeast.
Admonition triggers. The warbeast can walk away, up to 3 inches.
So… what happens now?
The model that moved succeeded in its charge. It ended its movement before Admonition triggered, and it was in melee range. The following quote from the rulebook doesn’t apply.
If the charging model ends its charge movement without its charge target in its melee range, it has made a failed charge. If a trooper model fails a charge for its unit, the unit’s activation ends.
This rule does apply!
After the charging model completes its charge movement, place the other troopers in its unit within 2” of that model as normal.
The other two models are placed within 2 inches of the model that moved, and two of them get to be within 1 inch of the heavy.
According to Wartable, this is all good. Two dudes get into melee. They must use their Combat Actions to make either initial melee attacks or a special attack with a melee weapon.
Troopers in the unit with enemy models in their melee range must use their Combat Actions to make either initial melee attacks or a special attack with a melee weapon. Troopers in the unit without
an enemy model in their melee range must forfeit their Combat Actions this activation.
The charging model advanced 3 inches, so the cultists will get to make charge attacks against the warbeast. The warbeast was in the charging model’s melee range at the end of its movement.
If the charging model advanced at least 3” during its charge movement, the first attack with a melee weapon made by each model in the unit this activation targeting a model/unit that was in the charging model’s melee range at the end of its charge movement are charge attacks.
Does this really math out?
The cultists are placed 2 inches away from the model that moved.
The model base is only 30 millimeters.
The melee range of the weapon is 1.
Placed, plus Base, plus Melee is 4.18 inches. The model only moved 3 inches, but it began at 1 inch away. It is 4 inches away from the model that moved. The cultists threat their initial 10 inches plus an additional 4.181102 inches.
Imaging 2 inch reach weapons!
If the cultists had 2 inches, they’d be able to make three attacks, not just two.
That third model can’t do anything?
If it was placed in melee with something, it could attack that something. It wouldn’t be a charge. But it would still be a melee attack.
What about that first model?
If there were another model in melee with the first model, the model would be able to make a non-charge attack against it.
How about Assault?
Assault would work as normal.
When a unit charges during its activation, on a successful charge after resolving its Normal Movement but before beginning the unit’s Combat Actions, each trooper model in the unit with the Assault advantage that did not forfeit its Combat Action can make one ranged attack targeting an enemy model it is engaging.
Why use 30mm bases for this example?
Because 40mm and 50mm based units have more of a chance of being in range.
Hope this helps
I’m going to do a video on this topic shortly. In the meantime, you can argue over it on facebook or on the privateer press rules forum.