Category: Warmachine Blog

  • I am a Filthy Casual

    Filthy Casual! To clarify the purpose of this blog, I think it needs to be stated that I play as well as any filthy casual might play. I do not win Steamrollers, do not craft highly competitive meta-breaking lists, or have every model and corresponding card memorized. That being said, I do enjoy making lists,…

  • Isle of Games Steamroller with Trollbloods

    Isle of Games Steamroller with Trollbloods

    I took a hiatus from Warmachine, not by choice, but because of a cross-country move.  Last week, I played my first Steamroller tourney since June.  And it feels like I was completely new to the game.  Partially due to the meta change, partially due to the length between games, partially due to the skill level…

  • Gunny in Northkin vs Protectorate & Grymkin

    Gunny in Northkin vs Protectorate & Grymkin

    Gunnbjorn in Northkin, Two Battles in Tucson For my first game night in Tucson, Arizona, I felt the need to rely on familiarities and so chose Trollbloods as my faction.  Originally, Jarl Skuld sought to pilot the Northkin army, but Calandra and even Borka on his bear made the rounds.  A conversation on Facebook about…

  • The much maligned Trollkin Runeshapers

    The much maligned Trollkin Runeshapers

    Runeshaper Hate? Honestly, I’ve had some recent successes with Runeshapers.  They have game-play, but don’t seem much play in big games. Lack of showing in big tournaments The Trollblood community seems to hate running Trollkin Runeshapers. According to Discount Games Inc, the Runeshapers haven’t been played in any major tournament by a top tier player…

  • Borka 2

    Borka 2

    I’ve recently started experimenting with Borka 2.  He looks like a terror.  His mount is a polar bear, because he’s that awesome.  With his countercharge spell, and freezing feat, Borka begs for a large Battlegroup.   Unfortunately,  he needs to drag along fury management to keep his battlegroup under control.  For all of his aggressiveness,  Borka…