Category: Battle Reports

  • United Kriels Madrak Steamroller 202307

    United Kriels Madrak Steamroller 202307

    Hey, this is Tom. I haven’t had as much time for hobbies as I’ve wanted lately, but our local game store was having a Steamroller tournament, and I was able to make time to play last weekend. While I was on travel for work, the new United Kriels army released in the Warmachine App. I…

  • Convergence in March

    Convergence in March

    Casters that depend on layering and have precise order of activation can be a disadvantage. Their timing means you have to get it right every time. Casters with lots of tools can cause decision paralysis, which isn’t good on a short clock either.

  • Mk4 Infernals vs Cygnar First Army 2023-01-26

    Mk4 Infernals vs Cygnar First Army 2023-01-26

    Sun Tzu said: These six are the principles connected with Earth. The general who has attained a responsible post must be careful to study them. With regard to PRECIPITOUS HEIGHTS, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up.