Warmachine & Hordes links

I’m always losing my links. I don’t know how. Here’s my list of good ones. I figure if I post them here, then I won’t lose them anymore. Active means they make at least monthly posts/updates. Semi-active means things haven’t changed in 6 months or so. MIA means things haven’t changed in a year or so. Dead means the site is still there, but hasn’t been updated in more than a year.

Also, our own video page is at this Youtube link. Starting July 2022, we are filming and posting weekly battle reports, unless real life interferes.

Privateer Press & Adjacent

Privateer PressThe mothership. Publisher of Warmachine & Hordes, Warcaster, and Mon-pocActive
WARMACHINE & HORDES Rules QuestionsRules forum. Infernals make official rulings on questions. Active
Warmachine UniversityUnofficial page; wiki for rulesActive
Conflict ChamberList building tool. Active

Primarily WMH related Blogs

Sword and SorceryJason and Donna hit the Warmachine scene in 2021, and provide written battle reports in a narrative format. Active
Cygnar StrongReally well painted models. Mostly painting inspiration. Beyond Cygnar, so it’s kind of a misnomer. Active
Figure PaintersSome really good tutorials on here. Lots of ways to pump up your modeling. Active
iWargameTutorials, mainly. Reviews, and other stuff. Not updated since 2017. Has some good pictures of Lock N Load. Dead
4d6 KoboldsAnother site gone dead around 2017. Dead

Primarily WMH related You Tubes

Muse on MinisBattle reports, discussions.Active
Community KillerBattle reports, discussions.Semi-active
Warjax Games ClubMainly battle reports, but also some discussion. Active
Webway GamesNew page, a game store, home of the Northeast RumbleNew
Guerrilla Miniature GamesBattle reports, reviews. More than WMH.Active
Luck GodMostly painting.Active
Deathclock DaveBattle reportsMIA (2020)
Advanced ManeuversBattle reports and reviews. High production value. Hasn’t been updated in like 2 years. Dead
Counter SlamThey used to be a somewhat high production value battle report and interview page. They haven’t done anything in like 5-6 years. Dead

Primarily WMH related Podcasts

Muse on MinisBattle reports, discussions, and the site has a lot of beyond WMH for ultimate nerding out. Active
LOSLine of Sight; All things warmachine. The site has more than just the LOS podcast, kind of like MOM (above).Active
Chaos BornWarmachine, etc. Active
Minority ReportMinority report is a really good listen. They talk trolls, minions, etc. It’s really positive. Active

Hobby-related blogs

Dagger & BrushInspiring miniature photography and the work going into it.Active

Hobby-related You Tubes

Terrain TutorMel, the Terrain Tutor, posts guides on how to cheaply and easily create terrain for gaming. Active
Black Magic CraftJeremy builds terrain and models for Tabletop RPG’s and wargames.Active
Chickens Tabletop CraftingA fairly new (2021) vlog for wargaming crafting. The Endor Bunker build is the one I saw first. Active
The Cult of CraftingAnother new site (2022), with modeling tips. Tutorials for terrain. Active
War Gamer GirlMostly 40k. paint & chat. Some older WMH videos.Active
Wargames, Soldiers, Strategymini paintingDead